Clinical Oncology

Clinical Oncology

Define generic and specific patient treatment schemata

Tumor Board

Tumor Board

Provide all relevant patient and treatment information to all relevant parties involved

Longitudinal Patient Health Care Record

Longitudinal Patient Health Care Record

Obtain all relevant patient information chronologically presented in a timeline

Pharmacovigilance and Adverse Events

Pharmacovigilance and Adverse Events

Manage adverse events related to known process and medication.

Laboratory (Values) Management

Laboratory (Values) Management

Normalize unit conversion and reference range to make values comparable



Create, distribute, collect, store, and analyze data provided by patients



Include images in DICOM format in communication and data exchange with all parties involved

Clinical Trials

Clinical Trials

Manage patient participation in clinical trial and required informed consent

Decentralized Oncology Care

Decentralized Oncology Care

Provide third party access to a clearly defined oncological history of disease

Computerized Physician Order Entry CPOE

Computerized Physician Order Entry CPOE

Manage process of physician instructions for patients treatments



Automate compliant document/data archiving process

Patient Administration

Patient Administration

Track patients and manage appointments

Business Reporting

Business Reporting

Analyze data directly and effortlessly



Manages compliant treatment reimbursement even for complex patient qualification

Voice Control

Voice Control

Use your voice to navigate through software and enter commands

Voice Form Filling

Voice Form Filling

Dictate your input within documents

Clinical Advisory and Scoping

Clinical Advisory and Scoping

Identify clinical data requirements, define efficient processes and scope adequate oopus

Operational Advisory and Scoping

Operational Advisory and Scoping

Identify operational data requirements, define efficient processes and scope adequate oopus



Implement and deploy oopus in line with clinical and operational requirements



Learn to use oopus efficiently and realize all benefits from day 1 onward



Never be left dealing with issues alone

Professional Services

Professional Services

Focus on your patients while we develop and validate your digital assets for you